Annnnd we're back: Reflections on the first practice


Annnnd we’re back! I can’t believe we’re finally back together again. First practice in the books. The whole experience was so surreal. It feels simultaneously like so much time had passed, and no time had passed at all. 

One of the qualities that signal a strong friendship for me is being able to pick up right where you left off no matter how long it has been. That feeling was present at our first practice.

Pulling into the parking lot. Putting on cleats. Saying hi in-person for the first time in over a year. Throwing before the first huddle. It was all so familiar and easy. After a year plus spending the majority of every day on zoom calls struggling to find a sense of self, I finally had a wave of quiet contentment. Goodbye temporary hobbies I dabbled with to fill the void. This is where I want to be and who I want to be with.

These rituals were so reassuring. Yes, there were nerves and jitters and awkwardness (on my part), but they were present in an endearing sense. Before a big game when I’m nervous, I find comfort in that because it tells me I care. It feels good to care again. 

When I got to the field, I set my bag on the outer edge of the group so I could take-in the scene fully. I was aware that this would be an especially impactful moment, so I wanted to be mindful and take deliberate action to absorb all the details so that when I look back it can bring me right back to that special time and place. 

It feels easier now being on the other side, but the isolation did take its toll on me. I can't emphasize enough how much seeing the team in person lifted my mood. It was effortless and natural for me to turn inward and forget about the support of our community. And now, I’m so excited for everyone to get back out there. As you read this, I hope you take a moment to notice and celebrate the small moments at your first team practice before we all get swept up again in the ultimate season. I know I won't be taking the time we get to spend together for granted again. 

Kelly Hyland #8